00883naa#a2200193#i#450# EN\URAL'SKIY GOSUDARSTVENNYY AGRARNYY UNIVERSITET\bibl\52591 20250314224701.5 1997-4868 20220831b2022####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Genetic and agrotechnological features of the formation of sowing qualities of oat varieties when applying increasing doses of mineral fertilizers in the forest-steppe of the Trans-Urals Journal article Ekaterinburg Ural State Agrarian University 2022 11 с. Journal article local Прочие двудольные с одревеснелым волокном, получаемым из стеблей. 633.524 Eremin Dmitriy Ivanovich Moiseeva Mariya Nikolaevna Lyubimova Anna Valer'evna usau.editorum.ru