Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Vegetable raw material is exposed to various micromycete, among which a large proportion of Fusarium fungi. In the fight against fungal lesions, biological protection methods have been widely used, the most promising in this direction is the use of natural antagonists. Within the framework of this work, the micromycete Fusarium sporotrichioides was isolated from fodder raw materials and pure cultures of microorganisms from natural biotopes, the antifungal activity of the isolated microbes was determined by the methods of counter cultures, agar blocks, modified strokes and delayed antagonism. Active strains were found using any of them, however, the nature of the interaction of the antagonist and pathogen fully reveals an analysis of complementary experiments. The presence of fungistatic alimentary antagonism in the relationships of isolates conventionally designated as SB16, SB17, SB20 and SB23 with the micromycete Fusarium sporotrichioides was determined by the method of counter cultures, the width of the fungal mycelia growth zone was below the control by 64.6; 64.3; 65.7; 63.0 and 68.8%, respectively. Fungistatic antibiotic antagonism possessed isolates SB10 and SB15, therefore, it was characterized by the synthesis of substances that inhibit the development of mycelium action. The method of agar blocks showed the greatest activity of isolates SB1, SB10, SB15, SB16 and SB20, which were, respectively, 1.39 ± 0.04, 1.33 ± 0.17, 2.21 ± 0.19, 1.93 ± 0.17 and 2.00 ± 0.11. The largest zone of growth retardation of the pathogen in the formulation of the experiment using the modified stroke method was the isolates SB16 and SB17 (9.00 ± 0.35mm and 13.00 ± 0.35mm). The greatest fungistatic activity revealed by the method of delayed antagonism was shown by isolates SB1, SB10, SB12, SB15, SB16 and SB20. Thus, the selected isolates in the future can serve as a basis for obtaining bio fungicides, the most 3 promising ones showing an antagonistic effect against micromycete Fusarium sporotrichioides for use as living cultures were conditionally designated isolates SB17 and SB23, antifungal substances isolated SB12, a high antifungal effect during growth and the activity of metabolites showed isolates SB1, SB10, SB15, SB16 and SB20.
Fusarium sporotrichioides,Fusarium sporotrichioides, natural biotopes, isolates, antagonism.
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