Russian Federation
As a result of development of cooperation of farmers with the public sector pronounced the commodity becomes a function of the households. The growth of sales of products of farms of the population in recent years was ensured not only by expanding production. With a slight increase in the production of milk and meat purchases have increased substantially, indicating the increase of marketability of production. And best purchasing conditions for those products of collective farms, state farms and consumer cooperation has contributed to the arrival of their main weight to the state resources. On average over the last decade the state was sold to a population of almost a quarter produced in farms milk, the tenth part of fruits, berries and eggs, potatoes and vegetables. The social importance of the development of family life and, above all, households is to revitalize the rural way of life. Households contribute to improving the production of environmentally friendly products, which is typical for food security. The specificity of the role of households, caused by food production as the basis of life, production of raw materials for many types of nonproductive consumer goods. That is, essentially, the level of development of households determines to some extent the level of environmental security of the country. Effective development of independent farms is possible with the creation of an alternative system of logistics, services, organized marketing of products on a cooperative basis and scientific Advisory support.
the agricultural sector of the economy, integration, cooperation, entrepreneurship, agricultural production, farms, farming population, economic mechanism.
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2. Romanchenko N.N., Tkach A.V. Kooperaciya v APK Rossii // APK: ekonomika, upravlenie. 2014. № 3. S. 30-36.