Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In the current economic and socio-political conditions, the study of the characteristics of buyers in order to effectively impact on consumer goods and services in their decision about a purchase is the most important task to develop a set of marketing activities
marketing activities, purchase behavior, marketing, purchasing
1. Kulikova, E. S. Osobennosti marketingovyh tehnologiy territorii [Tekst] / I.V. Razorvin, E. S. Kulikova // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2012. № 3. S.81-82.
2. Kulikova, E. S. Organizaciya marketingovogo issledovaniya lokal'noy territorii [Tekst] / E. S. Kulikova, O. V. Cicina // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2015. №1.
3. Ruschickaya O.A., Kulikova E.S. Marketingovaya koncepciya strategii razvitiya territoriy. // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. № 10 (140). S. 90-92.