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Abstract (English):
Planning diverse in nature, there are different forms, types and methods of planning. The type of planning depends on many factors that are required for the specific purpose, the article presents the classification in accordance with the system of criteria that separates planning for the subspecies. In the system of criteria includes such qualitative factors as the need, the vastness, loyalty, time, the cycles and content of the planning. Between planning the author gives the causality depending on the period and contents of the plan. Are four main methods of financial planning, namely: balance sheet, experimental statistics, regulatory, economic and mathematical. The planning system developed for a specific business entity will be a scheduling form. Education planning form is affected by a number of factors that can be divided into three categories: factors that depend on the specifics of the enterprise, environmental factors, factors that depend on the specifics of the planning process. what factors impacted the planning process, it nevertheless has the same structure must meet the standard requirements, which also applies to the choice of concrete forms of planning

planning criteria, planning methods, planning form
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