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Abstract (English):
The country's food security as a guarantee for the sustainable satisfaction of needs of population in food products is an integral part of its national security. The problem for Russia has always been relevant. Increased food security is, first and foremost: the level of agricultural production, the degree of food self-sufficiency, the availability of carryover stocks, the level of consumption of food and availability of food for the poorest part of the population. Thus, increasing grain production is the key issue of agriculture. To maintain all equipment in working condition in the economy, the following elements of the preventive system of maintenance and repair: - repair of tractors, harvesters, agricultural machinery and implements; - elimination of malfunctions; - operational running-in of new and refurbished machines; - conducting license technical services and diagnostics; - storage of all equipment.

food security, self-sufficiency, maintenance, complexity, repairs, diagnostics, storage, tractor, car.
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