Russian Federation
Experience two-factor inherent in four replications method of splitting the plots include: Factor A. techniques posleposevnogo care corn plants: 1) without the mechanical and chemical methods of care; 2) harrowing before and after germination; 3) harrowing before and after germination + two inter-row cultivation; 4) tank mix postemergence herbicides; 5) tank mix postemergence herbicides + ridging; 6) tank mix postemergence herbicides + inter-row cultivation; W.von power factor: 1) without fertilizer, 2) at a dose of fertilizer N60P60K60 kg d. in. per hectare. Harrowing pre-emergence and post-emergence helped reduce the amount of weeds compared to the plots without a care in the 62-69%. Comparable with the effect of conventional tillage had a spraying of crops herbicide tank mixture Milagro + Calisto in the phase of 5-7 leaves. The combination with the interrow cultivation hilling and spraying of crops tank mixture of herbicides provided almost complete destruction of weeds in maize. If the mass of weeds in the absence of care equal to 237 and 660 g / m2, respectively, backgrounds nutrition, double harrowing provided regression in 1.8- 2.3 times. Ratio by weight Weed agrotcenoze without fertilizer was 5.2 to 18.0% in the fertilizer. Options for protecting crops of corn, which used mechanical and chemical methods of weed control, provided a significantly higher yield of green mass of corn. When combined with spraying hilling increase was 27.0% compared with the version without the mechanical and chemical methods. Comparable gain derived from a combination of traditional techniques and technology. The use of only one tank mixture of herbicides also gave an increase in productivity, but it was lower by 2-4%.
corn, receptions care, weeds, fertilizers, productivity
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