Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
krest'yanskie (fermerskie) hozyaystva, ekonomicheskaya effektivnost', mnogofunkcional'nost', osnovnye sredstva, zemel'nye resursy, rentabel'nost', gosudarstvennaya podderzhka.
krest'yanskie (fermerskie) hozyaystva, ekonomicheskaya effektivnost', mnogofunkcional'nost', osnovnye sredstva, zemel'nye resursy, rentabel'nost', gosudarstvennaya podderzhka.
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5. Burkitbayeva S., Swinnen J. Smallholder Agriculture in Transition Economies // Journal of Agrarian Change. 2018. No. 18 (4). P. 882-892.
6. Cairol D. E., Coudel E., Knickel K., Caron P., Kröger M. Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Rural Areas as Reflected in Policies: The Importance and Relevance of the Territorial View // Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 2009. Vol. 11. No. 4. P. 269-289.
7. Nilsson J. Social Capital among Members in Grain Marketing Cooperatives of Different Sizes // Agribusiness. 2016. No. 32 (1). P. 113-126.
8. Wegren S., O’Brien D. Introduction to Symposium: Smallholders in Contemporary Russian Agriculture // Journal of Agrarian Change. 2018. No. 18 (4). P. 869-881.
9. Podgorbunskih P. E., Golovina S. G. Teoriya i praktika razvitiya agrarnyh hozyaystv: ot klassiki do institucionalizma. Kurgan : Zaural'e. 2005. C. 440. EDN:
10. Wolz A., Golovina S., Nilsson J., Hess S. Review of the changing institutional conditions of private farming in Russia // Prospects of agriculture. 2016. In № 45 (2). P. 111-116.