Selection-breeding work will be more effective when it is carried out for a considerable number of livestock. This work is carried out by carrying out bonitirovki. Coverage bonitirovkoy in the Sverdlovsk region is more than 85 % of the total number of cattle. The main breed bred in the area is represented by animals of black and motley breed, significantly improved by crossing with Holstein bulls by producers. The research was carried out at the Ural research institute of agriculture. The object of research is black-and-white cattle in agricultural organizations of the Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of the conducted studies is to analyze the state of breeding work and outline ways of improvement. The breeding service of the Sverdlovsk region has a high potential for providing breeding work in order to improve the dairy productivity of cattle. In the oblast there are 46 breeding organizations with a total number of cows 44.4 thousand heads, the productivity of which is more than 8000 kg of milk. At the same time, cows with milk yield less than 5000 thousand kg of milk decreased more than three times from 20 597 to 6053 head. The pedigree and class composition of the herd in the whole region corresponds to purebred animals, mainly belonging to the class Elite-record and Elite. In agricultural organizations, more than 23 000 cows are exploited with a productivity of more than 7000 kg of milk, and 21 900 cows have a milk yield of more than 7000 kg of milk with a high content of protein (more than 3.0 %). Thus, the livestock sector of Sverdlovsk region is at the level of foreign countries with developed dairy cattle breeding.
cow, nada, pedigree sale, breed, class, breeding plant, loudspeaker, generation, elite record, elite
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