The article contains the materials of the dynamics of unfavorable points for brucellosis in reindeer herding in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The data analysis demonstrates how the effectiveness of the diagnostic studies of reindeer on brucellosis has changed over the past 28 years. This can be seen from the results of statistical analysis, where the correlation coefficient between the two ranges of values was –0.02 (r = –0.02). After 2007, the picture changed dramatically, and the direct correlation coefficient already amounted to 0.9 (r = + 0.9). That is, the number of reacting animals with a high degree of reliability depended on the number of animals examined. The analysis of the epizootic state of the tundra, forest-tundra, mountain-taiga and taiga territorial-climatic zones of the republic in the brucellosis of domestic reindeer was carried out from 1988 to 2016. The percentage of positively reacting to brucellosis of reindeer in the tundra zone is, on average, 2–3 times higher than that of the mountain taiga and forest-tundra zone. Percentage of infected animals in unfavourable areas in 1988–1990 was very high and was 2.0–5.2 %. As a result of ongoing anti-brucellosis measures, the number of infected animals in 2008–2010 decreased significantly and is 0.6–1.3 %. However, the number of unfavourable areas remains unchanged, correlating with some stabilization of livestock dynamics. The number of disadvantaged items shows us a tendency to decrease: from 19 districts in 1988 to eight in 2017. The contamination of reindeer in the tundra zone of the republic has significantly decreased (by 1.4–3.9 %) and it is 0.6–1.3 %. Infection with deer brucellosis in the mountain taiga and forest-tundra zones is 0.1–2.2 %, brucellosis in animals in the taiga zone is not established.
brucellosis, infectious process, immunity, strain, epizootic process, vaccine
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