Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. Research on the introduction of lofant (Agastache rugosa) has been conducted by the Department of Crop Production and Breeding of the Ural State Agrarian University since 2013. Studied by sowing seeds in open ground, especially the growth and development of lofant Tibetan background on the various types of mineral fertilizers, the effect of physiologically active substances comparative assessment of the types and varieties of lofant. The research was carried out in the Uralets agricultural farm, located in the Beloyarskiy district of the Sverdlovsk region. Methods. Phenological and biometric observations of plant growth and development were carried out. The method for laying the experience is generally accepted according to B. A. Dospekhov. This article presents the results of the introduction work on the study of the seedling method of cultivation and application of increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers, which had the most pronounced effect on productivity, as well as on the structural composition of aboveground biomass – the most important indicator of quality in the preparation of medicinal raw materials. Purpose of research. To identify the features of the formation of productivity of aboveground biomass of the Agastache rugosa in the natural and climatic conditions of the Middle Urals. The task was to study the influence of seedling cultivation method, as well as the introduction of increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers on the productivity and structural composition of aboveground biomass of Agastache rugosa. Results. The study revealed a clear dependence of the productivity of Agastache rugosa on the time of sowing seeds for seedlings: the earlier the sowing period, the higher the productivity. The maximum yield of medicinal raw materials per unit area was obtained in the I variant (seeding on seedlings – March 10) – 25.2 t/ha, the minimum productivity was formed in the IV variant (seeding on seedlings – April 10), it was 16.2 t/ha, which is 35.7 % lower than in the I variant (on average for 2013–2015). It is established that the higher the level of nitrogen nutrition, the greater the biological productivity. The maximum productivity (on average for 2018–2020) was 29.5 t/ha (IV variant – N60 kg/ha). Scientific novelty. For the first time, in the conditions of the Middle Urals, the features of the formation of productivity of Agastache rugosa with the seedling method of cultivation and different levels of nitrogen fertilizers were determined. Established: the optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings and the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, in which Agastache rugosa provides high productivity with an optimal structure of medicinal raw materials.
Agastache rugosa, aboveground biomass, structural composition, productivity, sowing time, nitrogen fertilizers
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