Abstract. The area of natural saline lands in Russia is about 30 million hectares. At present, the growth of technogenically saline areas is associated with the extraction of minerals (agro-ore) and the formation of drill pits when drilling wells for the purpose of exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The number of drilling pits with a high salt content in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug is about 3 thousand, about the same number of them in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug, in the south of the Tyumen region their number is increasing in the Uvat region. Reclamation of these territories includes technical and biological stages of reclamation. The biological stage is associated with the use of phytomeliorant cultures. The inclusion of a legume component in the composition of phytomeliorants assumes its joint use with the preparation of an active strain of nodule bacteria. The aim of the research is to identify the most salt-tolerant strain of lupine nodule bacteria at different chemistry and degree of salinity of the environment. Research methodology and methods. Laboratory experiments in Petri dishes were used to test lupine nodule bacteria for salt resistance and salinity chemistry. Nodule bacteria of lupine strains 363a, 367a, 375a were taken directly from rhizotorphin preparations, the degree of dilution was brought to a certain titer corresponding to about 80 colonies per Petri dish. Nodule bacteria for melilot were represented by strains 282, 292 (CL) and 291, and for alfalfa, respectively, 451b, 404b, 412b, 423b, 408b and 425a. They were seeded with the same titer. Results. The presented results of experiments showed that colonies of lupine nodule bacteria react extremely negatively to the salt concentration in the nutrient medium of 0.3 % or higher. This is typical for both neutral and soda salinity. Of the three studied strains of nodule bacteria, sample 367a was the most salt-resistant. Of the presented strains of sweet clover and alfalfa, strains 282 and 423b had the highest salt tolerance, respectively. Scientific novelty. For the first time, strains of lupine nodule bacteria have been tested for salt tolerance in relation to different chemistry and degree of salinity identical to technogenic soils and saline soils.
nodule bacteria, colonies, chemistry and degree of salinity, osmotic pressure, strains, pH of the medium
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