Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the current scientific paper is to reveal the effectiveness of foliar treatment with various types of complex fertilizers with microelements in chelated form on the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the leaves and roots of sugar beet plants. The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region, the authors carried out the research towards the effect of liquid microelement fertilizers on the content of macronutrients in sugar beet plants. Methods. The records and observations were organized according to the generally accepted methods. Results. It was found that 10 days after the first foliar treatment, the nitrogen content in the leaves increased by 0.36–1.08 %. However, a decrease in the accumulation of phosphorus and potassium was noted. In root crops during this period, the nitrogen content decreased by 0.32–0.45 %. There is a tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of phosphorus and potassium in comparison with its content before foliar treatment. Determination of the content of macronutrients 10 days after the second treatment showed that after foliar treatment of plants with “POLIDON Amino Tsink” and “POLIDON Bor”, the nitrogen content in the leaves increased by 0.82–0.88 %. In the same variants, a tendency for an increase in the phosphorus content was noted, but for all variants of the experiment, a decrease in the intake of potassium in the leaves of sugar beets was obvious. It was revealed that the nitrogen content in the leaves increased by 0.07 % after the introduction of boric and zinc-containing micronutrients 20 days before harvesting. With the use of microelement fertilizers, a tendency to an increase in the phosphorus content in the leaves was significant. In root crops, in all variants with microelements, an increase in nitrogen was observed. In the phosphorus content, no significant differences were found regardless of preparation type; a decrease in potassium was noted. The highest yield of root plants was obtained with three-fold foliar treatment of crops with “POLIDON Bor” and exceeded the control by 11.1 %.
sugar beet, complex fertilizers, microelements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, yield.
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