Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. Purpose. Study of the reasons for culling cows from the herd depending on belonging to Holstein lines. Methods. Materials of breeding and zootechnical accounting of the Selex database and breeding cards of cows were used for research. Results. The farm breeds animals that belong to the following genealogical lines: Vis Back Idial 1013485, Reflection Sovering 198998, Montwick Chieftain 95679, Pabst Governor 882933 and Annas Adema 30587. The cull was 92 heads or 14.3 %, including lines: 21, 33, 25, 6, 7 heads or 10,0; 18.9; 12.3; 15.8; 41.2 % accordingly. Analysis of the reasons for culling by groups of cows of different lines showed that among the culled cows of the Vis Back Idial line 1013485 there were more than in other groups with pathology of the musculoskeletal system – 37.5 %; the Reflection Sovering line 198998 – accidents and injuries – 34.6 %; in the group of cows of the Montwick Chieftain line 95679, a significant number of cases of breast pathology – 27.2 % and in general, the main reasons for culling on the farm are injuries and surgical diseases – 33.7 %; pathology of the breast – 21.7 % and pathology of the reproductive system and barrenness – on 16.3 %. Despite the fact that the farm has created quite good conditions for ensuring the normal life of cows, including a balanced feeding diet, which is indicated by a low percentage of culls associated with metabolic pathology, cases of poisoning were detected – 8.7 %. Existing violations of the content are confirmed by a significant number of injuries, accidents, and limb diseases. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the influence of origin (belonging to the line) on the level of culling of breeding stock for one reason or another has been proved, which allows through breeding work to have a positive impact on increasing the duration of productive use.
holsteinized black-and-white cattle, line of cows, culling, causes
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