Russian Federation
Abstract. Milking cows is the final stage, which determines the effectiveness of milk production with all other issues resolved. The number of dairy farms equipped with modern milking machines is growing in the republic. Simultaneously with the increase in milk productivity of cows, the task is to use the least labor-intensive and energy-intensive technologies for milk production. At the same time, the health and tranquility of cows is a prerequisite for this, it is necessary to use modern technologies. The purpose is to study the impact of milking technology on the level of milk productivity, milk quality and reproductive indicators of cows. The object of the study is cows of black-and-pesky breed in the leading tribal farms of the Vavozhskiy district of the Udmurt Republic – collective farm (APC) named after Michurin and APC collective farm “Kolos”. Methods. Three groups of cows were formed using the pair-analog method: 1st group – loose-box keeping of cows using a robotic milking system, 2nd – loose-box keeping using milking machines “Evroparallel”, 3rd – loose-box keeping using the technology of milking cows through the milking parlor “Кarusel”. Results. Thus, in case of careless-box content and use of robotic milking plant, cows of black and pesky breeds outnumbered cows, which were fed using “Evroparallel” plant and milking technology with the help of milking hall “Кarusel” on all indicators of dairy productivity investigated by us (except for content of mass fraction of protein in milk) and reproduction qualities. Scientific novelty. Milking machines of outdated designs do not quite meet the physiological state of the animals, which leads to the loss of milk, premature start of cows and the incidence of mastitis. Thus, in the Udmurt Republic, new farms and complexes are being built, which are equipped with modern automated milking equipment, which excludes direct human participation in the process of obtaining milk, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of milk.
milk production, milk quality, lactation, interbody period, insemination index, milking technology, cow biological efficiency, pregnancy, reproductive rate
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