Russian Federation
Abstact. Varieties of spring ginger included in the State Register of breeding achievements and recommended for the Central Chernozem region, cultivated in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Lipetsk region, form different yields of oilseeds in specific production conditions. The purpose of the research was to identify the most adaptive high-yielding varieties of spring ginger, suitable for cultivation in the forest-steppe conditions of the Central Chernozem region and providing high productivity. Research methods. When studying varieties according to the main economic characteristics, the method of competitive variety testing was used in accordance with the requirements of the state testing methodology and the field experience methodology of B. A. Dospekhov. Results. Spring ginger is a precocious crop with a growing season in the context of the studied varieties: Omich – 84 days, Ekaterininskiy – 79 days and Yubilyar – 75 days. The height of the varieties ranged from 59.3 to 67.8 cm. The Omich variety was short, and the Jubilee variety was the tallest. The maximum number of pods was observed in the Ekaterininskiy variety – 49.5 pieces per plant. Among the studied varieties of spring ginger, according to the complex of positive signs, the Ekaterininskiy variety stood out, which has a higher yield (1.52 t/ha without fertilizers and 1.88 t/ha against the background of N90P60K90), and the highest oil productivity (684 kg/ha without fertilizer and 833 kg/ha against the background of N90P60K90). The Omich variety had a high oil content of seeds (48%), but it was inferior to other varieties in terms of oil collection. The Yubilyar variety provided the highest yield of crude protein from 1 ha. Scientific novelty. For the first time on leached chernozem in the conditions of a typical forest-steppe of the Central Chernozem region, a comparative study of new-generation spring ginger varieties by a complex of economically useful characteristics was carried out and the genotypes most adapted for this region were determined.
spring ginger, varieties, Omich, Ekaterininskiy, Yubilyar, yield, oil content, crude protein, oil productivity, vegetation period
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