Abstract. The productivity of wild strawberries is significantly determined not only by the biological characteristics of the variety and soil and climatic conditions, but also by agrotechnical techniques and the use of organomineral fertilizers. The effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers on strawberries has been proven by numerous studies [5, p. 48; 6, p. 99; 14, p. 233; 15, p. 513; 16, p.101; 17, p. 513]. The purpose is a comparative assessment of the effect of various types of complex fertilizers for strawberries. The task was to study the effect of complex fertilizers on the yield of strawberry and its structure. In 2015–2018, studies were conducted on the introduction of complex fertilizers for wild strawberries, which are used during the growing season to improve their nutrition during periods of maximum consumption of nutrients. Methods. The studies were conducted according to generally accepted methods [4], [7]. The influence of “Azophoska”, “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” fertilizers on the yield and elements of its structure in strawberry was studied in the conducted studies. Results. The best results for all the years of research were obtained when using the pre-planting application of the fertilizer “Fasko-yagodnoye”. In this variant, there was a significant increase in the number of berries by 1.8 pcs., their weight by 0.68 g and yield by 0.13 kg/m2. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic, the effect of the pre-planting application of complex fertilizers “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” was studied on strawberry garden. Practical significance. The obtained research results are of great practical value, since it is proved that the productivity of wild strawberries in the Udmurt Republic increases with the use of complex fertilizers.
strawberry, yield, yield structure, complex fertilizers
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