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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is the development of standards for the transfer of modern flax varieties of domestic and foreign selection into conventional fiber with an analysis of the problems arising in the course of their application and the proposal of ways for their rational solution. Methods. According to the current regulatory documentation using a special methodological program, the values of the following characteristics were determined: the total fiber yield, the yield and quality of long and short fiber from flax of various quality according to the results of control developments carried out in the conditions of flax processing enterprises and data from the State Variety Testing involved in the study of fiber flax varieties. Results and scope. The article presents the results of the development of standards for the conversion of different quality flax of 28 varieties of fiber flax into fiber, with their values given. It has been established that in order to obtain one ton of fiber from low grade flax trees (0.50–0.75), it is necessary to process 2.9–4.2 tonnes of flax trees; from flax trees of higher quality, with a value of 1.00 and more – 2.6–3.5 tons. Some issues related to the insufficient effectiveness of the use of translation standards in practice are considered. It is noted that when developing them, it is advisable to take into account the structure of the fiber contained in the stem material of a certain type with a division into fiber types: i. e., into long and short. At the same time, the accuracy of determining the cost of the produced fiber can increase by 20 %. It is also proposed to take into account the qualitative characteristics of long and short fibers, which can contribute to the correct orientation of an agricultural producer engaged in the cultivation of flax regarding the choice of fiber flax varieties with the most valuable economic characteristics. The reserve for increasing technical and economic indicators can be ~ 10 %. The need to develop a differentiated system is substantiated, which provides for taking into account the volume of fiber when converting into a conditional using standards specifically for each flax number in the range from 1.00 to 4.00. This may lead to an increase in the size of subsidies by 2.8–6.2 %. Scientific novelty. Standards have been developed for the conversion of flax of various quality into fiber of modern fiber flax varieties of both domestic and foreign origin, common in the flax-growing regions of the Russian Federation. The ways of increasing the efficiency of application of the established translation standards are proposed.

Translation standards, variety, fiber-flax, number, quality, flax, flax fiber, fiber yield, processing production
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