Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The goal is to study the structure and content of the seed coat of Gleditsia triacanthos L. with a hard seed coat, and some changes in its structure when this seeds swell. Research methods. One of the main reasons for hard-seeding is the hard, waterproof seed skin. In practice, before sowing, solid seeds are subjected to various types of treatments: physical or chemical, which increases the permeability of the seed shell to water. The seeds were treated with acetone, provided that the suberin, which is part of the seed shell with a solid cover, is a highly polymer hydrophobic substance with mandatory component – saturated and unsaturated acidic triglycerides and triglycerides, and partially dissolves in a solution of acetone. The presence of lignified elements, suberin and polysaccharides in the seed coat of honey-locust was confirmed by IR spectra of the surface of the seed coat, as well as histochemical reactions. The structure and composition of the seed coat were studied on the example of seeds of honey-locust. The results. In the coat of the seed of honey-locust there are identified three major layers with different physical-chemical and mechanical properties that vary with their functions. The cells of the epidermis of the seed coat of honey-locust have a thin shell with partial lignification. The hypoderm consists of cells impregnated with the hydrophobic substance suberin, whose shape is elongated parallel to the surface and provides a tight coupling between them. The parenchyma is the most powerful layer, consisting of parenchymal cells that are laid loosely. Scientific novelty. The research made it possible to find out the functions of individual layers of the Gleditsia seed coat, as well as to track changes in the structure of the seed coat when this seed swells.

Gleditsia triacanthos L., hard-seeding, seed coat, structure, presowing treatment, permeability, seed swelling, acetone
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