Abstract. The purpose is to study the phenology, morphometry, reproductive biology, and propagation characteristics of the following species and samples of wild ramson onion: A. microdictyon Prokh. (Bashkir sample), A. victorialis L. (Moscow and Syktyvkar samples), A. ursinum L. (Moscow sample), A. ochotense Prokh. (Syktyvkar and Irkutsk samples). Methods. The study of wild ramson samples was carried out in 2016-2020 under the conditions of the culture in the South-Ural Botanical garden-institute of the UFRC RAS (Bashkir Cis-Urals, northern forest-steppe). The study of the seasonal rhythm of growth and development was carried out according to the method of phenological observations by I. N. Beideman and I. V. Borisova. Determination of winter hardiness and resistance to adverse weather conditions, pests and diseases, reproduction coefficient and seed productivity was carried out according to generally accepted recommendations. Results. According to the phenorhythmotype, the studied species are short-growing, spring-early-summer flowering. A. ursinum – ephemeroid, A. microdictyon, A. ochotense and A. victorialis – hemi-ephemeroid. The flowering phase occurs in late May-early June. The duration of flowering of wild ramson samples by year is 13-22 days. Seed maturation occurs in July. A. ursinum vegetation ends in July, the remaining samples-in August. The largest number of fruits and seeds are allocated samples of A. victorialis and A. microdictyon, the smallest – A. ursinum. Samples of A. microdictyon, A. ursinum and A. victorialis have a high percentage of fruit blooming. The weight of 1000 seeds of A. microdictyon is 3.6 g, A. ursinum – 5.9 g, A. victorialis – 6.3–6.7 g, A. ochotense – 7.9–8.5 g. Wild ramson seeds when sown in the open ground do not germinate in the same year: autumn sowing sprouts in 17–18 months, spring – in a year. To accelerate germination, it is recommended to stratify seeds for 2.5–3 months at a temperature of 0–3 °C. Scientific novelty. Research work on the study of wild ramson onions in the region of the Bashkir Cis-Urals has not yet been carried out. These species of onions have a wide resource value, which was caused by the high relevance of these studies.
Allium L., ramson, samples, species, phenology, biometrics, reproductive indicators
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