Russian Federation
Abstract. Purpose. The study is aimed at studying and justifying the need for the use of special tools of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex, through the use of implemented measures of national projects, in terms of their export component. Methods. In the course of the study, methods of observation, abstraction, analysis and synthesis were used. The methodological and conceptual foundations of state regulation of the agro – industrial complex through the use of special regulatory tools-strategic development measures (national projects) are presented. Results and practical significance. In the study presented by the author, on the example of the Sverdlovsk region, a scientific assessment of the implementation of national projects in terms of the development of the export component of the agro-industrial complex is given, the main risks of fulfilling strategic tasks are investigated, the author's idea of the qualitative characteristics of national projects in terms of the development of the export potential of the national agro-industrial complex is given. The prospects for the development of the export potential of the national agro-industrial complex, and the quality of implementation of strategic development objectives in the conditions of continuing restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic are evaluated. Scientific novelty of the research. The article presents the results of a study of the development of the system of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex in relation to special regulatory instruments in the context of the need to implement strategic development measures, including increasing the export potential of the national agro-industrial complex. The risks of implementing the relevant measures are analyzed on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. The author's idea of the qualitative characteristics of the implementation of national projects, in relation to the export component of the agro-industrial complex, as a special regulatory tool is presented.
special regulatory instruments, national projects, agro-industrial complex, export of agricultural products
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