Abstract. Target. Explore the issue of strategic planning related to new strategic and national food security objectives. The emphasis is placed on economic accessibility as an integral element, balancing together with the physical and environmental accessibility of products in the system of three aspects of food security. At the present stage, the level of economic accessibility achieved is subject to dangerous risks and threats of decline, which constitute social challenges due to the drop in real incomes of the population and the increase in prices of basic food. Based on the synthesis of existing regulatory acts and planned bills, it was revealed that today the influence of these challenges forces the executive and legislative authorities to adopt a package of measures to mitigate food risks, including the justification for the need to introduce food certificates to poor citizens. Methods. Scientific and theoretical generalization and analytical calculations of Rosstat data taking into account decile (10 %) population groups in terms of average per capita disposable income. Statistical groupings of regions by natural and economic conditions, conducted by the author to assess and take into account their impact on economic availability of products. Scientific novelty. To increase the financial and economic validity of food support measures, the author proposes a methodology for strategic planning of food assistance to the population, the essence of which is based on the balance between the amount of support and the cost of rational consumption of products. Results. The results of the calculations indicate that 40 per cent of the population with the lowest per capita income has an urgent need for food assistance. By statistical grouping of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to the cadastral value of 1 hectare of farmland, it is justified that the focus of support for increasing the economic availability of products will increase if the natural and economic characteristics of the regions of residence of citizens are taken into account in the calculations.
strategic planning, food security, economic accessibility, social challenges, purchasing power, food certificates, food support
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