Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The introduction of synbiotics and phytobiotics into the diet allows us to optimize metabolism, increase the level of use of feed components, and activate immune processes in the body. The purpose of the work is to determine the effect of “GerbaStor” and “ProStor” feed additives, including probiotic, prebiotic and phytobiotic components, on the morphological and biochemical parameters of the blood of broiler chickens of the “Ross-308” cross. Methods. In the course of a scientific and economic experiment at the age of 29 days, blood was taken from 5 medium-sized broilers by decapitation to determine morphological and biochemical parameters. The blood test was carried out at the Clinical and Diagnostic Center in Ekaterinburg. The morphological examination of blood was carried out in the hemostasis laboratory, on an automatic analyzer ADVIA 120, manufactured by BAYER, as well as by manual counting of formed elements in the Goryaev chamber. A biochemical blood test was performed in a clinical diagnostic laboratory using a Vitros 350 analyzer. Results. The inclusion of “GerbaStor” and “ProStor” in the diet did not adversely affect the metabolic processes of the bird. Morpho-biochemical blood parameters were within physiological values. In the experimental groups was observed an improvement in the assimilation of protein nitrogen, it is evidenced by a decrease in uric acid in the blood serum. In addition, the use of the studied feed was accompanied by the activation of lipid metabolism in the body of birds, which was characterized by a tendency to reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood serum in individuals of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. The results of the study showed that when “ProStor” is introduced into the feed concentrate, there is a tendency of decreasing in the activity of transaminases in the body of broilers, which demonstrates a higher resistance of their internal organs, in particular the liver and heart, to unfavorable exogenous and endogenous influences. The academic novelty lies in the fact that new data were obtained on the influence of the studied feed factors, including probiotic, prebiotic and phytobiotic components, on the morpho-biochemical parameters of the blood of broiler chickens.
morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, broiler chickens, synbiotics, phytobiotics
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