Abstract. The aim of the study is to compare two methods for assessing the breeding value of cows (comparison with peers and BLUP) during the analyzing process of the influence of lines on milk production. It is necessary to identify the most accurate and objective method for further use in the system for assessing of genealogical groups by a set of characteristics. Methods. We used one- and two-way analysis of variance. Comparative analysis of breeding values for milk production of genealogical groups (lines) using the methods of comparison with peers and BLUP. The ranking of genealogical groups by the results of assessing of breeding value and the calculating of the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were made. Results. According to the results of the analysis of variance, the strength of the influence of the environmental factor “year and season” on the milk productivity of first-calf cows was +0.62 of the total variance (P < 0.01). Hereditary factors were assessed by the method of two-way analysis of variance of an uneven complex. The strength of the influence of the lines on the milk productivity of first-calf cows was 0.011 of the total variance (P < 0.05). The use of the method of comparison with peers, the dependence on a sufficient number of representatives of the genealogical group was revealed. BLUP analysis of lines changed their ranking. The number of animals in the studied groups does not affect the distribution of ranks with this method of assessment. The rank correlation between BLUP and peer comparison methods was 0.65. It has been established that the BLUP assessment is currently the most objective and takes into account the bias of the assessment under the influence of an insufficient number of animals. The novelty of the study is the first time the use of the BLUP method was tested on the livestock population in the Murmansk region to assess the breeding value based on the milk productivity of the lines.
selection, cattle, breeding assessment, BLUP method, method of comparison with peers, genealogical group, milk production
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