Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. In the current socio-economic, political and institutional conditions, primarily in the context of new challenges and threats (such as sanctions restrictions, natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics), which determine high instability in the activities of agricultural producers, particular importance in the development of the agricultural economy, rural communities and rural areas moves to agricultural cooperation. As retrospective studies prove, agricultural cooperatives always become particularly popular in the most difficult periods for agriculture (and the economy as a whole), extremely actualizing at this time the corresponding theoretical and applied research. The study and analysis of scientific works concerning current state of agricultural cooperation, its problems and potential in improving of agricultural production and harmonious development of rural areas allows us to conclude that, Despite the presence (in the review materials presented to the scientific community) of the evolution of cooperative thought and generalizing discussions on the theory of cooperation descriptions, the achievements of recent years, nevertheless, did not find a detailed reflection in them. The purpose of this work is to summarize the most meaningful results of world-class research on the activities of agricultural cooperatives in a fluctuating (sometimes turbulent) environment, which are relevant (and acceptable) for the development of Russian cooperative practices in the face of existing challenges and threats. Results. A survey-analytical study, the results of which are presented in this article, made it possible (through a thorough analysis of the achievements of the cooperative theory over the past five years) to formulate and scientifically substantiate the main components of a new (integrated, interdisciplinary) approach to the development of Russian agricultural cooperation in the current institutional and market context, the basic elements of which are (1) taking into account the peculiarities of the socio-economic and institutional environment, (2) the multifunctionality of cooperative activities, (3) the specifics of ways to create cooperatives in different countries and spheres of activity, (4) the limitations of traditional and the prospects of new organizational models of agricultural cooperatives. Scientific novelty. The article offers a detailed review of foreign and Russian studies on various aspects of agricultural cooperation, notable by a rich history and comprehensive discussions, substantiated a new concept for the development of modern agricultural cooperatives, formulated conclusions that have theoretical novelty and applied value for use in domestic economic practice.
theory of cooperation, agricultural cooperative, socio-economic environment, institutional and market conditions, challenges and threats, literature review
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