Abstract. The purpose of our research was to assess the influence of treatment with fulvic acid (FA) solutions (obtained from sapropel) on the physiological state, production process, and quality of salad crops under intensive controlled conditions. Research method. Treatment of plants with solutions of FA in various concentrations was carried out under controlled conditions using three different methods: soaking cress seeds (0.03-300mg/l); non-root treatment of vegetative plants (90–150 mg/l), when growing lettuce by a low – volume method with drip fertigation with Knop nutrient solution; adding a nutrient solution to the root medium (0.03-150 mg/l), when growing lettuce under nutrient film technique. Results. The most pronounced stimulating effect on plant growth was obtained after seeds treatment with FA solutions in concentrations of 0.3-150.0 mg/l, during non-root treatment of lettuce in concentrations of 0.3 and 150.0 mg/l, and when FA was introduced into the root medium at a concentration of 90.0 mg/l. It was suggested the lettuce growth under the action of FA was conditioned by enhancing plants metabolism and increased entry of nutrients to the aboveground organs of plants (during non – root processing)- and by nutrient uptake increasingas well as activation of the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments-chlorophylls and carotenoids (when a nutrient solution was add to the root medium. Scientific innovation. Under controlled conditions, a comprehensive assessment of the effect of FA solutions obtained from sapropel on the physiological state, production process, and quality of salad crops was carried out. The concentrations of fulvic acid solutions that had the most pronounced stimulating effect on the growth and development of lettuce plants in various types of treatment were determined. The specificity of the responses of lettuce plants to various types of treatment with FA solutions was revealed.
fulvic acid solutions, nutrient film technique, watercress, lettuce, seeds, soaking, non-root treatment, introduction to the root environment, growth, productivity, photosynthesis
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