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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose is the analysis of the current state and prospects for expanding the geography and nomenclature of organic exports from the Ural-Siberian region. Methods. Commodity and country analysis of exports of agro-industrial products from Russia over the past few years based on data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Evaluation of data on the dynamics of income from the export of agricultural products from Russia in comparison with income from the export of weapons and other non-primary goods. Assessment of the planned prospects for a multiple increase in export revenue for many commodity items until 2030. A grouping was made by the main importing countries of agricultural products from Russia, where China, Turkey and Kazakhstan are in the top three, and the Ural region, where the TOP 3 importers look different: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and China. The grouping of the main export products in the agro-industrial sector was also carried out, where the Urals nomenclature of export agricultural products differs markedly from the all-Russian one. There has been a significant increase in the share of organic products in the global food market. The data of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) on organic certification of agricultural land in the world are presented. The authors analyze the rapid growth of the organic products market in China and its features in the regulatory regulation of organic food production. The role of agro-industrial exports for the implementation of national development projects of the Russian Federation until 2030 is revealed. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the analysis of the rapid growth of the market for organic products outside the traditional area of their consumption in the West at the expense of developing economies in Asia (primarily China) and the features and differences in the regulatory regulation of organic food production in China, compared with the European Union and the United States. The role of agro-industrial exports in solving the broader tasks of implementing national development projects of the Russian Federation until 2030 is also revealed. The practical results of the work are the substantiation of the thesis that the development of new export directions and modern logistics technologies will allow exporters of organic agricultural products in the Ural region to significantly increase the volume and profitability of exports. The article substantiates the need for exporters of the Ural region to use the Transcaspian route of the International Transport Corridor “North – South” and logistics technologies of “agroexpress” and container trains to gain competitive advantages over suppliers of the South of Russia and the Far East, located closer to ports and border crossings.

export-import, organic products, profitability of production, national projects, export profitability
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