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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article provides information on the yield of green mass, dry matter, nutritional value, as well as the yield of seeds of promising numbers of meadow clover in a competitive variety test. The purpose of research on the combination of economically valuable characteristics (dry matter yield, dry matter yield) is to identify promising cultivars of single-grained diploid meadow clover in nurseries of competitive variety testing for further work and transfer of promising material to breeding nurseries. Research methodology and methods. The material for the study was 14 cultivars of meadow clover, self-selected, obtained by hybridization and polycross, standard is Orion. In the nursery of the competitive variety testing (sowing 2018), the productivity was evaluated during spring sowing, under the cover of spring wheat. The accounting area of the plot is 100 m2, when evaluating the numbers for feed productivity, the repetition is fourfold. Observations and records were carried out according to the generally accepted methodology. Meteorological conditions in 2018–2020 varied significantly from the long-term average. Results. The yield of green mass for two years was 51.35–63.3 t/ha. The numbers significantly exceeded the standard: Ogonek × Ermak (7) – by 7 %, Orfey – 10.5 %, Oniks – 11.4 %, Vitebchanin × Orfey (5) – by 10.7 %. The collection of dry matter for two seasons was 10.93–13.95 t/ha. The numbers were highlighted: Ogonek × Ermak (7) – 13.7 %, Orfey – 15.3, Oniks – 8.5, Vitebchanin × Orfey (5) – 9.8 and 143-98 – 10.8 %. The seed yield in 2019 was 92–176. 6 kg/ha. The protein content for the season was 14.20–17.52 % in 2019, and 12.89–16.60 % in 2020. The average protein harvest for two years was 1593–2196 kg/ha. The highest indicator was provided by the following numbers: Ogonek × Ermak (7) – 2135 kg/ha (+15.8 % to st.), Orfey – 1960 kg/ha (+6.3 %), 143-98 – 1958 kg/ha (+6.2 %), Oniks – 2054 kg/ha (+11.4 %) and Vitebchanin × Orfey (5) – 2196 kg/ha (+19.2 %). Scientific novelty. As a result of the conducted research, promising cultivars were identified, which will be included in the further selection study.

meadow clover, variety, selection, winter hardiness, dry matter, crude protein, seed yield
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