Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the growth regulator “Regoplant” and microfertilizer “Ultramag Kombi” on the photosynthetic productivity of the potatoes of the Barna variety based on the results of field experiments in the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Methods. Studies on the tasks were carried out in 2018–2020. at the experimental site of the NCRIMFA branch of the VSC of RAS in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania according to generally accepted methods. The soil of the experimental plot is medium-power heavy loamy leached chernozem, lined with pebbles. Results. It is established, that biological products under identical soil and weather conditions assisted different progress of plants and approach of phases of vegetation. For all variants of the experiment, the number of stems increased by 0,3–0,7 pcs., the height of the stems of potato plants – by 3,8–4,9 cm in comparison with the control. An intense increase in the mass of tops occurred when using a tank mixture (growth regulator “Regoplant” (25 ml/ha) + microfertilizer “Ultramag Combi” (0,75 l/ha)) – by 74 g/bush, or 15.5 % compared with the control variant. During the growing season, the sum of the photosynthetic potential (FP) was 1,070 thousand m2 •days/ha in the control, and on average 1198–1406 thousand m2•days/ha in the experimental variants. The greatest accumulation of dry matter was noted when using a tank mixture – 917 g/m2. The maximum pure photosynthetic productivity was observed in experimental variant IV – 6,52 g/m2•day compared to the control option. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania the effect of the growth regulator “Regoplant” and microfertilizer “Ultramag Kombi” on photosynthetic activity of potatoes was studied. Practical significance. The studies carried out make it possible to recommend in potato production the use of a tank mixture of an effective growth regulator “Regoplant” at a dose of 25 ml/ha and microfertilizer “Ultramag Combi” at a dose of 0,75 l/ha, as an ecologically safe and low-cost agricultural method when processing vegetative plants, providing an increase in yield and quality of tubers.

potatoes, biologics, growth regulator “Regoplant”, microfertilizer “Ultramag Kombi”, photosynthesis, leaf area, vegetative period, pure photosynthesis productivity, photosynthetic potential
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