Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to consider the problems of the development of small forms of management in conditions of economic instability using analytical and statistical methods. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) determine the contribution of small-scale farming to the food security of the country; 2) consider state support for the development of small forms of farming in the countryside. Results. The advantages of small forms of management, as well as the factors hindering their development, are identified. The conclusion is made about the reduction in the number of representatives of small forms of management in the agrarian sphere. The analysis of the number of workers in small forms of management and turnover is carried out. The place of peasant (farmer) households in the production of agricultural products is determined, the specialization of their production is revealed. The dynamics of production by personal subsidiary plots of the population is considered. The indices of production of products in peasant (farmer) households and in personal subsidiary plots are compared. The analysis of the federal budget expenditures to support small forms of farming in agriculture is carried out. The scientific novelty of the study consists in substantiating the need to improve measures of state support for production in small forms of management and in arguing the need to redistribute state support funds in favor of small forms of management.

individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) farms, private subsidiary farms, state support
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