Abstract. The production of corn in the North Caucasus, and particularly in Adygea, has its own characteristics. While cultivating, it is necessary to improve individual elements of technology constantly, since they, together with technical means, determine production efficiency, seed productivity and quality of product [7]. The purpose of the work is to determine the optimal methods of basic soil cultivation and doses of mineral fertilizers that give the maximum effect when growing corn selection hybrids of the FSBSI “National Grain Center named after P. P. Lukyanenko”. The novelty of the obtained results is that the responsiveness of new corn hybrids has been studied for the first time on merged leached black soils and the most optimal elements of their cultivation technology have been identified. The research methods correspond to the “Methodology of Experimental Business” by B. A. Dospekhov. Results. As a result, it was found that the types of tillage did not have a significant effect on the density of the topsoil and varied within 1.23–1.26 g/cm3. It was noted that the best conditions for the growth and development of plants are formed when fertilizers are applied at doses of N120P60K40 and N150P60K40. Plowing to a depth of 30–32 cm (option 3) and plowing to a depth of 26–28 cm with soil deepening (option 4) had approximately the same effect on the analyzed parameters of corn. The maximum leaf area in the range of 7028–7083 cm2 and the largest weight of one plant, 2.25–2.26 kg, was noted respectively in 3 and 4 options, which contributed to obtaining of the highest yield – 5.84 and 5.62 t/ha. The optimal parameters of the elements in the yield structure were noted in the variant with a dose of N120P60K40, where the grain yield of the hybrid ROSS 140 SV was 4.94 t/ha, Krasnodar 194 MV – 4.90 and ROSS 195 MV – 5.25 t/ha, which is on 67.2, 72.6 and 69.0 % higher than in the control. The use of fertilizers in a dose of N120P60K40 provides better economic efficiency, although the yield here is somewhat lower than on the N150P60K40 option. The most cost-effective was the variant with the dose of N120P60K40, and amounted: ROSS 140 SV – 168.6 %, Krasnodar 194 MV – 184.4 % and ROSS 195 MV – 185.4 %.
corn hybrids, fertilizers, mineral nutrition, methods of basic tillage, plant height, stem diameter, crop structure, yield, economic efficiency
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