Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the pedigree core of the Akhal-Teke breed bred in the Stavropol Territory using the example of the leading breeding farm LLC “Stavropol stud farm No. 170”. The object of the study was stud stallions (n = 5) and brood mares (n = 30) of the thoroughbred Akhal-Teke breed. Information sources of research: statements of results of assessment of pedigree horses, catalogs of stallions-producers, state studbooks of Akhal-Teke horses, data from the information retrieval system HORSES-3. Results and scope of application. The stallions-producers of the Akhal-Teke breed used in the LLC “Stavropol stud farm No. 170” belong to 4 lines: El, Posman, Gelishikli and Fakirpelvan. According to the direct male line, all mares of the breeding core belong to 6 lines: Gelishikli (36.7 %), El (23.3 %), Gaplan (16.7 %), Posman (13.3 %), Fakirpelvan (6.7 %) and Sere (3.3 %). Zootechnical assessment of breeding stallions and mares of the breeding core showed their compliance with the breed standard. The average age of breeding stallions is 18 years, and broodmares – 11.7 years. The research results can be recommended as an educational material for students and undergraduates of universities studying in the areas of zootechnical profile training, and can also be used in the practical work of zootechnicians of breeding farms and private individuals engaged in breeding Akhal-Teke horses. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a detailed genealogical and zootechnical assessment of the breeding nucleus of the Akhal-Teke horses bred in the Stavropol Territory has been given.
breeding horse breeding, Akhal-Teke horse breed, genealogical structure, lines, stallions, breeding mares, measurements, indices
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