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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The globalization of the economy creates new opportunities for the formation of global food supply chains as a new type of infrastructure, which requires improved antitrust regulation of global food markets. The purpose of this work is to identify trends in the system of antimonopoly regulation of the food market in the context of globalization based on the systematization of the most important research results of foreign and domestic authors and the practice of competition authorities. The work uses the methods of a systematic approach, logical-structural analysis. The study is based on the provisions and conclusions of modern theories of the foundations of competition, competitive advantage. Information and analytical materials of the Federal Antimonopoly Service play an important role in the work. Results. The content of changes in the contours of global food supply chains is revealed, which manifests itself in the complication of the chain around leading large retailers; active education in the chain of new technology companies; improving chain management processes, leading to lower costs. The analysis of theoretical views on antitrust regulation of global food supply chains is carried out, which makes it possible to identify a number of fundamental provisions on which the activities of competition authorities should be based - to stimulate the competitive behavior of participants in the chain. An assessment of the practice of antimonopoly regulation of global food supply chains in a number of countries is given, focusing on a detailed analysis of all links of the chain, identifying constraints on the development of competition in the segments of the chain. The dynamics of the main indicators of the activities of FAS Russia in the food market is presented, indicating an increase in the identified violations in this economy. Attention is focused on new mechanisms for ensuring competition through the technological transfer of innovative material to Russian companies to enhance their competitiveness. Scientific novelty. The trends and features of the development of global food supply chains are identified based on the identification of specific factors in the context of globalization. Some principles of state antimonopoly control of global food supply chains have been formed, which makes it possible to improve the practice of their regulation.

antitrust regulation, food market, global supply chains, competition
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