Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of this scientific work was to find and study the diversity of wild grapes as future promising sources of breeding and valuable traits on the example of the territory of the natural reserve “Krasnyy les”. Scientific novelty. Analysis of modern scientific literature on the study of the biodiversity of the Vitaceae Juss family. He showed that there is practically no scientific information on the Kuban wild forms and autochthons of grapes. This article is the beginning of a new large research work on the study of wild grapes of Kuban, studied in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, in particular, in the state nature reserve “Krasnyy les”. Methods. The following methods were used: route-reconnaissance (during expeditions), traditional geobotanical and ampelographic, analytical. Results. 5 isolated populations of wild grapes were found on the territory of the natural reserve “Krasnyy les”. These forms were first studied and described according to the ecological and geographical conditions of growth and morphological features of the vegetative and generative spheres of grape plants. Significant variability of some indicators was revealed, for example: the openness of the crown of a young shoot and its degree of spider pubescence, the degree of bristly and spider pubescence of the underside of the formed leaf, the shape and corrugation of the leaf blade, etc. At the same time, the clusters of the studied wild forms of grapes are small, loose; the berries are also small, mostly black in color with a sweet tart taste. The presence of damage by pests and diseases is not visually detected. These isolated grape populations may hypothetically belong to Vitis vinifera ssp. Silvestris Gmel. or its varieties var. Tipica Negr. (wild forest grapes). Samples were taken for further genetic analysis in order to confirm or refute the above hypothesis. This study was conducted within the framework of the RFBR grant project (Contract No. 19-416-230025). Practical significance. The studied wild-growing forms of grapes can be used as promising sources of economically valuable breeding traits in the creation of new varieties, hybrid or clonal forms of grapes that are resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental factors.

wild form, grapes, morphological feature, variability, population
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