Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. The role of allelic variability of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is significant in the study of the resistance and susceptibility of animals to leukemia infection. After analyzing the literature data, it can be stated that in the iNOS gene, allele A (with genotype AA) is responsible for resistance to the leukemia virus, and allele B (with genotype BB) is responsible for susceptibility. This is due to the frequency of occurrence of alleles and their genotypes of the polymorphic marker AN13-1 of the inducibeal nitric oxide synthase gene. The iNOS gene is capable of producing a large amount of nitric oxide, compared to other isoforms. In turn, nitric oxide causes death or can stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses. The purpose of this work is to further study nitric oxide as an indicator for determining the resistance and susceptibility of animals to leukemia, as well as the selection of specific primers for PCR-PDRF used in genotyping. Methods. The iNOS gene sequence was analyzed and a pair of specific primers were selected and synthesized using the Vector NTI program. Scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that we have selected specific primers that are important for the analysis of cattle genotyping by allelic variants of the polymorphic marker AH13-1 of the iNOS gene. Results. Based on this work, a pair of primers iNOSF_new and iNOSR_new, with a calculated annealing temperature of 52 °C, were selected and synthesized, giving an amplicon with a length of 186 bp. The amplicon contains a polymorphic site that distinguishes the A and B alleles. During PCR-RFLP, the following genotype-specific fragments are formed: AA-47/139 bp; AB -186/139/47 bp; BB-186 bp.
leukemia, bovine, interleukin, nitric oxide, oligonucleotides, resistance, susceptibility, polymorphic
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