Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of a probiotic supplement on the productivity of broiler chickens of the fast-growing Cobb 500 cross and the quality of poultry meat. Research methods. To study the parameters of meat productivity of broiler chickens, slaughter and anatomical cutting of poultry carcasses were carried out, the morphological composition of individual parts of carcasses was evaluated, the chemical composition of poultry meat was analyzed by determining moisture (GOST 9793-74), fat (GOST 23042-86), protein (GOST 25011-81), the level of essential amino acids (capillary electrophoresis method), organoleptic parameters of poultry meat and broth were studied. Research results. It was found that the introduction of a fodder additive into the poultry diet contributes to the improvement of meat characteristics of the Cobb 500 cross, improves the quality properties of poultry meat, as well as the bio-value of poultry meat products. When studying meat productivity, it was revealed that in experimental groups the mass of the gutted carcass was higher than in the control by 1.45.3 %, the slaughter yield was higher by 0.31.4 %, the mass of all breast tissues of broiler chickens of experimental groups exceeded this indicator in the control by 1.78.2 %, the mass of all femoral tissues was higher by 2.07.8 %, and the mass of all shin tissues by 1.56.8 %. The results of the chemical analysis of muscles of broiler chickens showed that the protein content was higher in experimental groups compared to the control group by 0.180.60 %, with a decrease in fat by 0.060.16 %, and there was also a decrease in meat quality index in all experimental groups by 4.510.5 %. A positive statistically significant difference was revealed when analyzing the amino acid score in the muscles of birds of experimental groups compared with the control group. The organoleptic evaluation of boiled broiler chicken meat and broth from them in experimental groups showed superiority over the poultry meat of the control group and averaged 4.9 versus 4.8 points. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the meat productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens were evaluated when using a microbial additive based on autochthonous microorganisms of the genus Lactobacillus isolated from the contents of the gastrointestinal tract of wild quails in their diet.
probiotic feed additive, broiler chickens, meat productivity, quality, carcass weight, slaughter indicators, morphological composition, chemical composition, bio-value, amino acids, organoleptic indicators
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