Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim of this work is to investigate the relationship between indicators of cicatricial digestion and linearity of cows. Methods. The research was carried out in the breeding enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region on the livestock of Ural-type cows. Cicatricial fluid was collected with an oropharyngeal rubber probe, and a wooden yaw was also used. Cicatricial content was assessed at the Chelyabinsk Interregional Veterinary Laboratory. The pH value was determined by the electrometric method, VFA – in the Markgam apparatus, ammonia – by the microdiffusion method. Ciliates – in Goryaev’s chamber and under a microscope, bacteria – under a microscope with the addition of sodium chloride solution. Statistical data processing was carried out in the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 program. Results. In terms of the number of ciliates and bacteria in the rumen fluid, the Montwick Chieftain cows, characterized by high productive qualities, had an advantage. In terms of pH and VFA, the Vis Back Ideal line was the best. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of the amount of ammonia in the rumen. The best animals from the point of view of influence on cicatricial metabolism were the animals of the Vis Back Ideal and Montwick Chieftain lineage. Scientific novelty. Studies have shown that linearity is associated with cicatricial digestion in cows. The relationship of bull lines with indicators of cicatricial metabolism of cows has been determined for the first time. The food in the rumen is digested due to the action of bacteria, ciliates, and fungi. An environment has been created in the rumen for the active development of microflora. Bacteria are able to synthesize amino acids and vitamins. The proventriculus can contain up to 50 species of ciliates.

bull line, cows, cicatricial metabolism, bacteria and ciliates, volatile fatty acids
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