Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Currently, heavy metals are considered as priority soil pollutants. It is known that the vegetative mass of agricultural crops is capable of accumulating them in large quantities. Ornamental flower crops, which firmly occupy their ecological niche, are practically not considered from this point of view. The aim of this work is to study the features of the accumulation of heavy metals in the aboveground and underground organs of some representatives of the genus Paeonia L. in the urbanized environment of the city of Ufa. The objects of research were seven taxa of Paeonia (P. peregrina Mill., P. lactiflora Pall., P. lactiflora f. rosea, P. delavayi Franch., P. × hybrida Appassionata, Mustai Karim, Jeanne d’Arc). Methodology. The study of the elemental composition of the aboveground and underground parts was carried out according to the method No. M-02-1009-05 atomic spectroscopy. Mathematical data processing was carried out using generally accepted methods of variation statistics using the AgCStat software package in the form of an Excel add-in. Scientific novelty. For the first time, different taxa and parts of Paeonia plants were taken for research. Results. It was revealed that in the studied samples the copper content is 4,15–2520,00 times higher than that of other elements. It is noted that the minimum concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, manganese and iron are noted in the roots; lead and nickel – in flowers; copper – in the leaves of the studied paeonies. The maximum content of arsenic, lead, chromium is found in the leaves; cadmium, nickel, manganese – in the stems; iron – in flowers. That is, cutting paeonies in the autumn before retirement avoids the accumulation of these microelements in the soil. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the absolute values of the concentrations of the studied elements in the considered taxa of paeonies correlate with each other to a weak and medium degree. Correlation study of pairs of elements makes it possible to assess the synergism of accumulation and its absence, which is consistent with the opinion of other authors.

Paeonia, heavy metals, aboveground organs, underground mass, Republic of Bashkortostan
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