Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Despite the implementation of production activities in crisis situations, agricultural enterprises are increasing the production of agricultural products. The issues of the development of agricultural production and measures of state support for agricultural business are currently becoming particularly relevant. This article is devoted to the problems of current activities and prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in crisis situations. The purpose of our work is to study the causes of uneven development of agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership, to develop measures that contribute to the creation of favorable conditions in the agro-industrial complex for the production and sale of products. To achieve this goal, we have identified the following tasks: to identify contradictions that prevent an increase in agricultural production; to develop the main directions for the development of agribusiness. Methods. In assessing the development of modern economic policy, mathematical and statistical research methods were used, defining indicators were identified, and factors affecting the development of the agricultural economy in the field of recent changes were considered. Results. The authors considered the key areas of state support for agricultural producers, outlined the tasks of further development of the agro-industrial complex, identified the participants of interaction in the agricultural sector of the economy. Strategic measures of the new economic policy in the agricultural sector of the economy have been developed, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the production and sale of products of the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the implementation of the state plan and state order. The risks and threats that hinder the implementation of strategic measures are grouped. Food consumers interacting with producers in the public procurement system have been identified. The advantages of creating a center for supervision and control to verify the activities of economic entities in the agricultural sector of the economy are outlined. The authors have developed a model of the mechanism for implementing strategic measures of the new economic policy in the agricultural sector of the country's economy. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a model of the mechanism for the implementation of strategic measures of the new economic policy in the agricultural sector of the economy.

agricultural sector of the economy, agricultural enterprises, crisis situations, new economic theory
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