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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article focuses on the special role of digital transformation in the development of the social sphere of rural areas. Today, one of the strategic tasks of the state is the transformation of socially significant areas through the introduction of digital technologies (platform solutions) and digitalization of management or separate areas of interaction. The purpose of this article is to clarify the theoretical foundations and provisions that determine the processes of digital transformation of the social sphere of rural areas, the use of which allows the most effective approach to the financial and resource support of transformation processes. The objectives of the study were to substantiate the methodology for assessing the level of readiness of the social sphere of rural areas for digital transformation, a system of indicators and the use of the results obtained for practical use in managing the development of rural areas. Methods. The methodological basis of this article is formed by the general scientific principles of the systems approach; methods of analysis - logical, factorial, comparative, strategic; methods of quantitative and qualitative research of the main trends and directions of digital transformation of the social sphere. Scientific novelty. The author clarified the system of indicators and developed the author's method for calculating the assessment of the level of readiness of the social sphere of rural areas for digital transformation. Also, the author's assessment method, in contrast to the existing ones, makes it possible to determine the zones of growth and containment of the digital transformation of the social sphere of specific rural areas through the analysis of the components. Results. As a result of the study, the author tested the author's methodology for assessing the readiness of the social sphere of rural areas for digital transformation and analyzed a typical rural area: zones of growth and containment of digital transformation were identified, and directions of state regulation and support of the processes of digital transformation of the social sphere were proposed.

readiness assessment, rural areas, social sphere, sustainable development, digital transformation
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