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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to comprehensively assess the resource potential of agricultural organizations in the Kurgan region to form the trajectory of their development and determine the contribution to agricultural production in the region. Methods. The study was based on the use of statistical and econometric methods for collecting, processing, modeling data. It is based on the assessment of the use of the following functional components of the resource potential: land, material and technical, personnel, innovation and financial. At the same time, the dynamic assessment for each subspecies of the resource potential gives an idea of the trend in the volume and level of resource use, and the stochastic assessment – to identify the relationship between the indicators of resource investment and their return. Results. The presented assessment of the existing relationships between the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the resource potential and its subspecies indicate, on the one hand, an acute shortage of certain types of resources, and, on the other hand, an increasing intensity of their use without a proportional level of return. The study allows us to conclude that it is necessary to develop levers for managing the resource potential of agricultural organizations based on the symbiosis of the needs of agricultural producers and the territory in which they operate. Scientific novelty. The research methodology allows combining several methods of assessing (dynamic and stochastic) in achieving the final result, as well as assessing the elasticity between the general level of resource productivity of agricultural organizations and indicators of the efficiency of using the main types of resources. This approach makes it possible to form a sequence of actions to ensure an increase in the level of development and use of the resource potential of agricultural organizations.

resource potential, agricultural organizations, assessment, resource potential management
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