Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The development of science occurs not only as a result of the accumulation of information about the elementary, specific characteristics of individual phenomena or objects of the world around us, but also as a result of the comprehensive use of the acquired knowledge necessary to understand more complex processes. The purpose was to summarize the results of studies obtained in the study of photosynthesis, soil formation, nitrogen fixation and the formation of new ideas to explain the processes occurring in ecosystems of different levels. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that, based on the analysis of the results of their own research and the work of other authors, it is concluded that photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and soil formation should be considered within a single system. Results. A block diagram of this system was proposed. The interaction of its individual components was described, which is based on the formation of metabolic flows of organic substances involved in photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and soil formation. The proposed scheme of interaction of the processes under consideration within a single system will allow, according to the author, to objectively assess and predict the state of individual agroecosystems, biogeocenoses and the biosphere as a whole. The practical significance of the work is that the proposed description of the interaction of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and soil formation can be used to justify a new approach to increasing soil fertility based on the activation of excretory functions of plant root systems. The proposed scheme of interaction of the studied processes can be used in the development of mathematical models of behavior of agroecosystems and biogeocenoses of various levels, as well as in the creation of autonomous human habitats. The main research methods are experimental, historical and system analyses, comparisons, simulations, generalizations.

system approach, cognition of the surrounding world, photosynthesis, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, associative nitrogen fixation, microorganisms, root secretions, soil formation, system, ecosystem, agroecosystem, agrobiogeocenosis, biosphere, rhizosphere, soil fertility, mineral fertilizers, organic substances, photosynthesis products, ecological and biospheric agriculture
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