Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the scientific study is to clarify the place of Russia in the world trade in sunflower oil in modern conditions and the development trends of Russian exports of this product, to identify the main factors that have a positive and negative impact on exports. To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been set: 1) to analyze trends in the global structure of exports and imports of sunflower oil; 2) assess the impact of the most significant factors in the dynamics of Russian exports; 3) investigate the problems associated with these factors. Statistical, analytical, monographic and graphical methods were used. Correlation-regression analysis was used to identify factors influencing the dynamics of Russian sunflower oil exports. Results. Demand for sunflower oil in many countries is growing steadily, as a result of which the value of its world exports has increased by more than a third in 5 years. Despite the fact that Russia is still significantly inferior to Ukraine in terms of export volumes, its position in this segment has strengthened: the share of Russian sunflower oil in the world market has increased from 14.7 % in 2016 to 18.3 % in 2020. To maintain positive trends, it is necessary to expand the geography of exports in promising areas (the countries of the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia), as well as improve the infrastructure support for exports. The results of the correlation-regression analysis showed that the main influence on the dynamics of Russian exports is provided by the factors of the raw material base. The article studies the obstacles to the growth of acreage and sunflower yields, considers the directions for solving the tasks facing the oil and fat subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex. The novelty of the results lies in assessing the influence of the main factors on the value of Russian exports of sunflower oil and characterizing the complex of problems existing in this context.

sunflower, fat-and-oil subcomplex of agro-industrial complex, sunflower oil, export, import, price
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