Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of this work is to study the collection of soybeans of various origins in order to identify new early-ripening and high-yielding varieties adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the Akmola region. Scientific novelty. Soybean varieties of various origins are characterized by the range of variability of economically valuable traits, as the basis for analysis and search for criteria for the selection of source material for practical breeding. Methods. The research uses a collection of soybeans of various origins. The studies were carried out in comparison with the best zoned varieties (standards) in rain-fed conditions. The laying of the collection nursery, phenological observations, assessments and records of the state of plants by phases of development were carried out according to the VIR methodology. Results. Soybean varieties Heihe 58, Heihe 59, Heihe 33, Heihe 35, Heihe 44, Heihe 49, Heihe 49, Beidou 26, Beidou 36, Beidou 43, Beidou 51, Huajiong 2 and Suiyang 1 are distinguished by comparative precocity and yield. The conditions of the growing season had a significant impact on the passage of the phases of growth and development of varieties. According to the shedding indicator, varieties Kendou 68, Longken 336, Heihe 44, Nur+ and promising number No. 75 were identified, which were characterized as less stable. During the research period, damage to the studied soybean varieties by pests was not noted. The main indicator of grain quality, protein content was within high limits. At the standard Bar grade level, the following grades were Heihe 58, Heihe 59, Heihe 33, Heihe 35, Heihe 44, Heihe 49, Heihe 49, Beidou 26, Beidou 36, Beidou 43, Beidou 51, Huajiong 2 and Suiyang 1. The varieties identified as a result of research can be used in practical breeding.
variety, collection, soybean, breeding, yield, lodging capacity, protein, plasticity of varieties
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