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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim of the research was to study the effect of multicomponent polyfunctional organic fertilizers and biological products on the indicators of agrophytocenosis and the productivity of spring barley compared to mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Methods. In the southern Middle Volga forest-steppe region, different methods of applying organic fertilizers based on “Diatomit” or zeolite or bio-products with organic cultivation technology as well as the influence of multicomponent organic fertilizers and bio-products on the root rot, pest “bread beetle” extension and the yield of spring barley were studied in comparison with synthetic mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Results. In organic spring barley cultivation technology, the application of multicomponent organic fertilizers and biological products with the biofungicide and biobactericide functions provided a significant reduction in the root rot extension. The minimum damage (28.6 % less compared to the control) was detected in a joint use of pre-sowing seed coating and bio-products in vegetation. The application of both organic fertilizer with zoohumus and pre-sowing seed coating with a bioinsecticide as part of the coating mixture enabled a significant reduction in bread beetle number on spring barley crops. The minimum number of pests was detected on a combined application of organic fertilizer with zoohumus and pesticides during the growing season, providing 85.7 % imago pest amount reduction compared to the control. Elements of the organic spring barley cultivation technology provided a grain yield increase by 7.5–11.4 % in comparison with the control, while the traditional technology with mineral fertilizers and pesticides – by 18.4 %. The cost of applied mineral fertilizers per one hectare was on average 2000 rubles, while the cost of multicomponent organic fertilizers was 600–1500 rubles. The cost of applied pesticides per one hectare averaged 3000–4500 rubles, while the cost of multicomponent biological products was 600–900 rubles. The scientific novelty is connected with the comparison of organic cultivation technology including multicomponent organic fertilizers and bio-products with biosecurity functions obtained through the processing the local organic waste and raw materials and traditional technology that includes synthetic chemical mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

organic farming, organic fertilizers and bio-products, spring barley, root rot, bread beetle, yield
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