Abstract. Purpose. The study is aimed at studying the taxonomic composition of the rumen microbiota and fermentation processes in vitro in response to the addition of vegetable fat separately and in combination with ultrafine Cr2O3 particles in the diet of ruminants. Methodology and methods. The control diet without the addition of oil was represented by wheat bran, and the experimental ones were supplemented only with sunflower oil (3 %) or sunflower oil (3 %) with additional administration of Cr2O3 UFP, at a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg DM. The digestibility of DM in the rumen, the end products of fermentation (volatile fatty acids, nitrogen metabolism) and the taxonomic composition of the rumen microbiome were determined. The studies were carried out by the in vitro method using the ANKOM DaisyII incubator according to a specialized technique, the level of volatile fatty acids (LFA) in the contents of the scar was determined by gas chromatography on a gas chromatograph “Kristallyuks-4000M”, determination of nitrogen forms according to GOST 26180-84. Microbial biodiversity of the rumen contents was carried out using MiSeq (Illumina, USA) by the new generation sequencing method (NGS) with a set of reagents MiSeq ® Reagent Kit v3 (600 cycle). Results and practical significance. The use of additives did not change the microbial diversity, however, at the family level, an increase was revealed in the group receiving sunflower oil, Lachnospiraceae by 9.5 %, Lentimicrobiaceae by 0.6 % relative to the control, on the contrary, in the group using the sunflower oil complex with chromium oxide UFP, a decrease in Lachnospiraceae by 1.12 %, Succnivibrionaceae by 2.4 % was noted. The use of vegetable fat additives in the diets of young cattle and the combined addition of sunflower oil with Cr2O3 UFP have a positive effect on the intensity of the course of metabolic processes in the rumen and can be used to increase the productivity of ruminants. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the features of the course of enzymatic processes in the rumen against the background of the combined use of fats and Cr2O3 UFP are described.
sunflower oil, ultrafine particles, chromium, digestibility, volatile fatty acids, nitrogen metabolism, microbiome, rumen, ruminants
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