Abstract. Modern agricultural successes practically did not affect the level and quality of life of the rural population of the regions of Russia, which confirms the need to change the existing concept of the development of rural areas based on the principles of inclusiveness. The purpose. Development of the methodology for assessing the level of inclusive development of rural areas of Russian regions and its approbation. Methods. The author's methodology was based on a methodological approach to assessing the level of inclusive development of individual countries proposed in 2017 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. In the proposed method, in addition to the main blocks "Growth and Development", "Inclusion", the "continuity of generations and the sustainability of development" by the authors included the Social Inclusion Block. For each block, indicators of the level of inclusive development are substantiated in accordance with the criteria for the availability, reliability and relevance of indicators for rural areas of Russia. The calculation of the rapprochement of each indicator with the reference value is made, and then the integral indicator of the inclusive development of the regions is calculated. Results. An approbation of the author's methodology for assessing the inclusive development of rural areas is based on regional statistics on 82 subjects of the Russian Federation. A grouping of regions was performed on three levels of inclusive development of rural areas (high, medium, low). According to the results of the study, the best regions in terms of their inclusive development and regions in need of support and adjustment of their development programs based on the principles of inclusiveness have been identified. Scientific novelty. A copyright methodological approach has been developed to assess the level of inclusive development of rural areas of regions, which makes it possible to determine their condition not only in the spatial aspect, but also carry out a comparative characteristic in the dynamics by year to identify the influence of the factors acting on the indicator.
inclusive development, inclusive growth, inclusive development index, rural areas, rural population, standard of living, regions of russia, regional development
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