Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Situational macroeconomic conditions actualized new approaches to strategic planning and assessment of agricultural development. The implementation of national projects in the field of increasing competitiveness and import substitution at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation contributed to the formation of a rating of regions, which allows using an integral indicator to reflect the level of the industry for investors, authorities and business. The development of methods for rating the agriculture of the regions allows us to take into account the goals and objectives of the initiators, contributes to the comprehensive characterization of key parameters of leading enterprises, as well as sectoral and territorial effects. The proposed approach is aimed at assessing the trends of market integration, which significantly affects the pace and direction of development of agricultural production. The purpose of the study is to analyze, systematize and supplement methodological approaches used to form a rating assessment of the agro-industrial complex of the country's regions. Research objectives: 1) to characterize the methodological foundations of the rating assessment of agriculture in the regions of Russia; 2) to provide data on the economic and statistical analysis of the efficiency of agriculture in the regions of Russia on the basis of rating positions. The main research methods are 1) system analysis, general logical research methods (comparison, generalization); 2) rating method for assessing agriculture in the regions of Russia; 3) economic and statistical analysis of data on the state of agriculture in the regions of Russia. Results. An assessment of the existing methods of analyzing the position of regional agro-industrial complexes is presented. The limitations and positive aspects of the considered methods and approaches are determined. The main groups of indicators of the state of the agro-industrial complex in the subjects of the Russian Federation are characterized. The rating positions of the industry by region are presented. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the formation of a level-based approach to assessing the rating position of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of the Russian Federation.

agro-industrial complex, agribusiness, methodological approaches, efficiency, market integration
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