Russian Federation
Abstract. The aim of the research is to study the influence of abiotic conditions and age of the eastern galega and the bird's-foot trefoil herbage on their fodder and seed productivity in the Middle Cis-Urals. Research methods. The influence of the studied factors on the yield of dry aboveground biomass and seeds of galega Gale and birds-foot Solnyshko was studied on the basis of the results of field experiments laid down at the Udmurt Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, UdmFRC UB RAS in 1995–2005 and 2010–2017. The effect of moistening conditions during the growing seasons on grass productivity was assessed using the Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient (HTC). Scientific novelty. Under the conditions of the Middle Cis-Urals, the dependence of fodder and seed productivity of eastern galega and birds-foot trefoil on the moistening conditions of the growing season and the herbage age was revealed. Results. It was established that the fodder (8.5 t/ha) and seed (250 kg/ha) productivity of the eastern galega remained at a fairly high level during 10 years of research. The birds-foot trefoil formed the highest dry matter yield (3.8–6.4 t/ha) in the second-fourth years of herbage use. A high seed yield of 304 and 163 kg/ha, respectively, was obtained in the 1st and 2nd years of use. Galega provided a high yield of dry matter and seeds, both in dry (HTC = 0.69) and relatively wet (HTC = 1.50 ..1.69) years. The birds-foot is also able to form a dry matter collection at the level of 4.4–6.4 t/ha both in dry conditions (HTC = 0.67...0.87) and with excessive moisture (HTC = 1.67…1.97). The seed productivity of this crop was dependent on the abiotic conditions of the growing season. Dry conditions of the growing season, especially in the phase of flowering - maturation of seeds, contributed to obtaining a high yield of birds-foot trefoil seeds. To form a seed yield of at least 300 kg/ha, it is necessary the duration of the seed ripening phase is not more than 30 days with an average daily air temperature in this phase of 20 °C, a total precipitation of 120 mm and a HTC of not more than 1.4.
eastern goat, bird’s-foot trefoil, abiotic conditions, age of the herbage, hydrothermal coefficient, yield of dry matter, yield of seeds, correlation
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