Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The conditions of keeping animals and birds are increasingly provoking stressful situations for them. The occurrence of stress helps to reduce the body's resistance and creates conditions for the development of diseases of various etiologies. With a decrease in resistance, the quantity of products and their quality decreases. It is possible to prevent stress in animals and poultry by using adaptogens of various origins. The search for optimal means that meet all the requirements of prevention remains to this day an urgent problem of practical veterinary medicine. The purpose of this study was to give a morphohistochemical assessment of the effect of a feed mineral supplement on the digestive organs during experimental immunosuppression in laboratory animals. In the conditions of experimental immunosuppression, to identify the effect of mineral feed additives on the structure of organ cells and their metabolism. Methods. To confirm the effectiveness of the mineral adaptogen, histological, morphometric and histochemical studies of the digestive organs were performed. As a result of the conducted research on preventive feeding of a feed mineral supplement of domestic production, its immune- and organoprotective role was revealed. The most sensitive organs to the action of adverse factors (lymphoid formations in the intestinal wall) have been identified. Morphometrically and histochemically determined the reliability of morphological changes in them. During prophylactic feeding of a feed mineral supplement of domestic production in the digestive organs, the revealed changes did not have total destruction, approaching the structure and metabolic processes in cells to the structure of these organs in intact animals. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comparative microstructural, histochemical and morphometric assessment of the digestive organs in the body of laboratory animals under conditions of artificially induced immunosuppression was carried out, confirming the immune- and organoprotective effect of a feed mineral supplement of domestic production, which can be considered as a mineral adaptogen.

stress, immunosuppression, prevention, adaptogen, histology, histochemistry, morphometry, feed additives
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